19 April 2009

jumping cat

06 May 2008


i have not talked much about the hospitals
- the children's & provincial -
how can i?
how can i describe it?
i can't.

maybe pictures will help convey some of my feelings..?....

19 y.o. female - moto accident
open supracondylar fracture
traction 6-12weeks

25 y.o. male - moto accident
open comminuted femur fracture
closed tibial fracture
hospital stay 4 weeks

19 y.o. male - moto accident
open tibial fracture
hospital stay 1 month

16 y.o. male - congenital disease
spina bifida
stay uncertain, life long nursing care
parents killed by robbers
now he depends on the kindness of strangers

update on the Japanese Paris Hilton...

she is 叶 恭子
in english
Kyoko Kano

...you go girl with that younger man!

No New News...

No new news on Mol....
.... i miss the children of the friendly house. when i think of Mol.. ... i remember a smart, shy, mysterious girl. my last memory of her is Loak Tomb Tomb (night front desk clerk at Prince D'angkor --- Loak Tomb Tomb in english = Mr Big Big) reading the Khmer letter Mol wrote to my mother in Khmer. Calling her mommy, thanking her for her kindness and patience and in the simplest but sweetest way saying she will miss her.

more photos...

28 April 2008

Bad News....

i received this email from friendly house....

Mol was involved in an accident on New Year's Day in her village, almost two weeks ago. I have not written until now, as information has been sketchy, contradictory, and unreliable. At this time, it appears she is recovering. The nature of her condition and prognosis are still unknown from direct contact.

An American friend who has lived here for 4 years told me that there will be five fantastic stories before you learn the true facts. Indeed. She has been reported to have suffered severe head injuries, blinded, massive internal injuries, broken back, and a 20% chance to live. Then, there is a report that she went to temple where she met a healer and is better now!

The hardest part for me is the lack of concern or responsiveness to seeing her, attending to her or her family - what? Someone came to tell Veasna she had been taken to a hospital here, but did not say which one (nor was he asked!). I asked for a search, but nothing. We finally went to a clinic a week later, and reportedly she had been brought there, but taken to a hospital. Then, she was sent to hospital in PP. And so on.

The accident involved a truckload of revelers going to Kulen Mountain, and on the way back, the driver, probably drunk, took a curve too fast and rolled the truck. First report was that 3 boys (her brothers?) had died; later that one had, maybe her neighbor.

hopefully,this is one of those "fantastic stories"
please meditate, chant, pray or do whatever you do for her!
update as it comes available

25 April 2008

night call

the night call

ring ring, awakened
crying, stressed, help - baby
dark, moto speeds, warm smiles

as word gets around there are western doctors and pas in town, you get busier and busier!

in a nutshell here is a depiction of the cambodian healthcare system. if you have no money you go to the provincal hospital, if you have some money you go to a private clinic and the rich go to Vietnam or Thailand. the provincial hospital is poorly funded with few western volunteers, pain meds, and antibioitics. the private clinics will drain your pocketbook. for the rich, ex-pats, and tourists soon there will be a "nice" hospital in PP(funded by the thais) but the cambodians once again will be left out. there is so much to write and tell but that is for another time.

asleep in my bed, dreaming, the phone rings. ..
"help" cries the voice. it's kim! "my sister's baby can't breath, she is choking, there is a cut in her mouth! i went to the children's hospital they are not interested in helping the cambodian people (which is NOT true). i will be there in 5 on my moto."

my eyes barely open, i stumble and manage to pull on pants and a shirt. 1:45. once dressed, i ask the doc and the "nurse" if they want to come, doc, "no this one you take care of" but the "nurse" is game.

he's crying.... i try to understand the broken english.
"bbbbaby hurt. choking... help.... dinner, cut mouth on a pencil.. hospital didn't look at her. hhhhelp."

the three of us climb on the chinese moto bike that is barely big enough for one let alone three. the "nurse" is on plavix. the rode is potholed. he speeds. it starts raining. stray dogs bark and chase the moto. the road is getting slippery. it changes from dirt to large bricks. the nurse and i have to get off. the road is too bumpy! can't control the bike with three on board.

the moto drives off... he left us.... the dogs are barking louder... my mind goes straight to the dog bites we see at the hospital. it is dark, we are alone. it is pitch black, no electricity in this neighborhood. growling and barking become more threatening! the nurse says, "another fine mess you got me into."

after what seems to be a lifetime, we hear footsteps and out of the depths of darkness he returns with an umbrella. we arrive safely.

a few minutes later we arrive at a typical wooden cambodian dwelling, an open shed, with one large room divided by a torn curtain to give the young family privacy. no door, unshuttered window, dirt floor, and beds with palm mats lining the walls.

the grandmother greets us and thanks us for coming. it's obvious the family is stressed and worried. the child is fine. cute, chubby, smiling! small cut in the mouth. kim was frightened because she was not nursing. assured them it was only a minor abrasion and she would be better in the morning.
everyone is relieved.

hop back on the moto, this time we take a dirt road and the rain has stopped. we run the gauntlet of menacing dogs and somehow end up on a main road. as we pull into our driveway the moto slowly stops, no gas! its now 3.30. kim will deal with the gas and be back at work at 7

we return to the hotel and sleep the rest of the night.


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