06 May 2008


i have not talked much about the hospitals
- the children's & provincial -
how can i?
how can i describe it?
i can't.

maybe pictures will help convey some of my feelings..?....

19 y.o. female - moto accident
open supracondylar fracture
traction 6-12weeks

25 y.o. male - moto accident
open comminuted femur fracture
closed tibial fracture
hospital stay 4 weeks

19 y.o. male - moto accident
open tibial fracture
hospital stay 1 month

16 y.o. male - congenital disease
spina bifida
stay uncertain, life long nursing care
parents killed by robbers
now he depends on the kindness of strangers

update on the Japanese Paris Hilton...

she is 叶 恭子
in english
Kyoko Kano

...you go girl with that younger man!

No New News...

No new news on Mol....
.... i miss the children of the friendly house. when i think of Mol.. ... i remember a smart, shy, mysterious girl. my last memory of her is Loak Tomb Tomb (night front desk clerk at Prince D'angkor --- Loak Tomb Tomb in english = Mr Big Big) reading the Khmer letter Mol wrote to my mother in Khmer. Calling her mommy, thanking her for her kindness and patience and in the simplest but sweetest way saying she will miss her.

more photos...