14 February 2008

the hospital

i've been at the hospital for a few days now and each was a page out of an orthopedic textbook.

my first day…

spinal bifida
gunstock deformity
deformity from a proximal tibial greenstick fracture
neglected clubfoot
flexure contracture of the rectus femoris
subacute forearm compartment syndrome

That was just in the am

After a lunch break

It was on to small procedures
lots of flexure contractures of the rectus femoris
posenti methods
achilles lengthing

in my short time here, I have met so many dedicated doctors and nurses. volunteers from around the world and native cambodian doctors and nurses.

on day two we performed a distal humerus osteotomy for the correction of a gunstock deformity. the surgery went well – i would say smoother than back home. the only glitch was the saw and blade not matching but it was quickly fixed. the young boy did great and is now in post-op moving his fingers.

in the clinic we saw many children presenting with perthes disease, a disruption of the blood supply to the femoral head and fracture deformities that we will perform surgery on later this week..

more to come later….
unfortunately the internet is slow but fortunately i am busy with work and making friends. can’t wait to introduce you to the cambodian pavarotti, chloe, lauren, and the children of friendly house! i will also blog more about the hospital and surgeries.


lavinia hanachiuc said...

I'm glad you settled in.I think you are doing a wonderful thing.
Hugs to all of you.L.

Lauren said...

Oh Katie, this post made my heart feel so sad for these children, but at the same time, I am just in awe of how much you and the other doctors and nurses must be doing for them. It is amazing, in all of the suffering and sadness in this world, when human beings band together, they can make another world of hope and joy. I just commend everyone because you are making such a difference. It makes me smile! I can't wait to meet the Cambodian Pavarotti,Chloe and Lauren. Thanks for updating us, we miss you, but are so proud!

wallace said...

Thanks guys,

it has been great so far and i am amazed at how well the hospital is run and the quality of care given!

Deva said...

Thank you for sharing your adventures with us here back home. I am in awe of you! I hope you don't mind, but I downloaded one of your Buddah pics and it's now my desktop picture. Love to you, your Mom and Dad!

Aunt Peg

wallace said...

deva - i am glad that you are enjoying the photos - please download all you want. hopefully, i will have more time to blog and take pics!

right now i am going volunteer at an orphanage.

miss you all.