04 March 2008

the past week...

it has been awhile since i have blogged...
i am so busy volunteering, learning khmer, and having fun i barely have time to breathe.

at the hospital we continue to see rare cases.

in fact we just today saw a case of possible polio - 1 yo girl presents with left hip abduction and a valgus foot with muscle wasting x1 mo s/p high fever. she has been examined by the best khmer & american doctors, residents, and pa-c - and still unsure!

i am still volunteering at the provincial hospital. again, lots of trauma.

at this hospital i do a lot of rounding.
as i round many of the other patients and family members gather around, walk the halls and see the patients with me. each day, i am learning more and more khmer. my patient's faces light up when i ask them questions in khmer that only the day before would have been impossible for me.

i love my patients - although they are lying for weeks on a mat, have the bare minimum for survival and probably less than adequate pain control, they are always smiling and eager to talk.

on monday, one of them was sleeping under the covers and i questioned whether to wake him. i gently tapped his foot, his head popped out from under the covers and he emerged with a giant grin. he couldn't stop laughing and smiling. i am so happy that he is well - he is one of my sickest my patients.

i have a week left and i really do not want to leave - i am happy here!

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